Successful Human Resources (HR) Management.
Based on Know-how and Do-how!

Business growth goes hand in hand with growing complexity. An increasing number of employees makes it more and more challenging to make your company’s vision transparent and comprehensible for everyone on a daily basis. At the same time the workforce market is in constant change. This can have a strong impact on business success. Only effective People Management secures business success on a long-term basis.

You plan to extend your business internationally or want to further extend your international business activities? You are looking for an experienced HR business partner to support you with the design of an effective and future oriented People Strategy? You need support with the set-up and implementation of an effective and international oriented HR organisation? You need HR support with change management?

WILDENHR is your HR sparring partner, complements and lightens the workload for your internal resources, secures professional HR know-how for your business and makes your costs plannable, transparent and flexible.

We support you in all people related decisions and HR activities based on our extensive expertise, our portfolio of proven HR-practice and our pragmatic approach. At the same time you can fully concentrate on the successful management of your business.

Provide orientation – Human Resources (HR) management with a clear focus. We make HR goals transparent, implementable and understandable.

Ihre Ausgangssituation

Ihr Geschäft ist international ausgerichtet oder entwickelt sich länderübergreifend und Sie möchten eine internationale Human Resources (HR) Strategie definieren?

Our offer

Together with you we identify the companywide relevant HR aspects of your short, middle and long term business strategy. Based on our extensive and proven experience and expertise we develop a tailor-made HR strategy following your business needs and ensuring optimal people and talent management, employee motivation and appropriate employment companywide. Thereby we focus on transparency, clarity, practicability and communication.


  • Objective status quo analysis of your existing companywide HR organization and teams companywide

  • Identification of options and risks from an external point of view

  • Process support (e.g. workshop design, workshop moderations)

  • Constructive exchange as HR sparring partner

Ihre Vorteile

  • Immediate available resource, extensive experience and expertise

  • Objective impulses and options for your decisions

  • Full cost and management control

  • Modular and fair prices

Our working style
Reliable – Individual – Pragmatic